An end to needlestick injuries

A large number of all occupationally acquired infectious diseases in the health sector are due to needlestick injuries. Needlestick injuries pose by far the highest risk of infection. More than 50 % of all registered cases affect nursing staff, followed by doctors and laboratory staff.

However, this should not lead to the conclusion that needlestick injuries are an unavoidable occupational hazard. By using VACUETTE® safety products, this risk can be virtually eliminated. Furthermore, with VACUETTE® safety products you are working in compliance with EU directives (EU 2010/32).

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VACUETTE® Blood Collection Techniques Booklet
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VACUETTE® Preanalytics Manual
Brochure / PDF, 1 MB
VACUETTE® Safety Booklet
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VACUETTE® Safety Products
Brochure / PDF, 2 MB
Barcode form microplates
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OEM - From standard products to fully customized solutions
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