Inserts for 6, 12 and 24 Well Multiwell Plates

For advanced cell and tissue culture applications, Greiner Bio-One offers an extensive family of membrane supports - ThinCert®. Combining 6 different membrane specifications (pore size and density) in geometries to fit 6,12 and 24 well plates, the ThinCert®  cell culture inserts are suitable for a wide range of applications including transport, secretion and diffusion studies, migrational experiments, cytotoxicity testing, co-cultures, trans epithelial electric resistance (TEER) measurements, as well as primary cell culture. 

Sub Categories

ThinCert® cell culture inserts are compatible with standard CELLSTAR® multiwell plates from Greiner Bio-One, and are pre-packed together with the requisite number of plates. The automated production process includes double optical control of each insert produced, ensuring that any biological contamination is avoided. The sterility of the single blisterpacked inserts and multiwall plates is ensured by irradiation.

ThinCert® cell culture inserts are produced from high-grade clear polystyrene housings, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) capillary pore membranes. Both materials, polystyrene and PET, are USP class VI certified and cell culture compatible. The coupling between the housing and the membrane is achieved using an automated process which produces an extremely strong and robust seal without compromising or weakening the membrane in any way. The membranes undergo a physical surface treatment to optimise cellular adherence and growth characteristics. All the capillary pores in a membrane exhibit a high degree of uniformity in diameter. This uniformity ensures reliable and consistent exchange rates between the two compartments and thus provides reproducibility when conducting multiple experiments.

Which Membrane to use?

  • Small pore sizes (0.4 and 1 μm in diameter) for co-cultivation as well as for transportation, secretion, and diffusion studies
  • Larger pore sizes (3 and 8 μm in diameter) for migration and invasion studies
  • Transparent membranes (in general low pore density) suitable for light and electron microscopy not suited for all applications requiring high diffusion rates such as transport studies
  • Translucent membranes (in general high pore density) suitable for electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, TEER and transport studies



IFU CELLdisc with closed filling caps (-CF1/ -CF2)
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 457 KB
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 961 KB / 678101, 678104, 678108, 678116, 678140, 678904, 678908, 678916, 678940
Application Note: Transepithelial Electrical Resistance and Impedance Measurements with ThinCert® Cell Culture Inserts and the cell Zscope® System
Application Notes / PDF, 635 KB
Application Note: The reconstruction and immunocytochemical characterisation of polarised epithelia in ThinCert® cell culture inserts
Application Notes / PDF, 602 KB
IFU ThinCert® Inserts
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 258 KB
Application Note: Cultivation and Differentiation of Human Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells with CELLSTAR® and CELLCOAT® Cell Culture Products
Application Notes / PDF, 539 KB
Forum No 8: ThinCert® cell culture products – innovative solutions for cell-based assays and tissue culture
Scientific Publications / PDF, 810 KB
Application Note: Tissue reconstruction using ThinCert® Cell Culture Inserts and Plates
Application Notes / PDF, 739 KB
Application Note: Improved Cultivation and Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
Application Notes / PDF, 2 MB
Application Note: Co-culture in ThinCert® cell culture inserts
Application Notes / PDF, 541 KB
Labware & Research BioScience Product Catalogue
Product Catalogue / PDF, 37 MB
Application Note: siRNA dependent gene silencing in HeLa cells cultivated on
Application Notes / PDF, 508 KB
Cell Culture
Brochure / PDF, 7 MB
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