Greiner Bio-One acts as a distributor for sartorius-branded tips.

Different versions are available:

  • In sizes from 0.1 to 10 µl
  • 0.5 to 200 µl
  • 10 to 1000 µl
  • 100 to 500 µl
  • With filters
  • In packs or in racks of 96
  • In sterile and non sterile versions

Sub Categories

Product Highlights

Item: 780043

Pointe Optifit, 50-1200 µl, non stérile, incolore, longueur 71,5 mm, en vrac FlexiBulk, Rnase, Dnase et endotoxines free, SARTORIUS

Item: 790013

Optifit tip, 0.1-10 µl, sterile, colourless, length 31.5 mm, refill box 96, Rnase, Dnase and endotoxins free, SARTORIUS

Item: 790021F

SafetySpace filter tip, 0,5-20 µl, colourless, length 51 mm, rack of 96, Rnase, Dnase and endotoxins free, SARTORIUS

Item: 790351

Optifit tip, 5-350 µl, sterile colourless, length 54 mm, rack of 96, Rnase, Dnase and endotoxins free, SARTORIUS

Catalogue général
Product Catalogue / PDF, 34 MB
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