Greiner Bio-One supplies the thermo scientific range. The global leader in the service of science, thermo scientific is the world’s premier centrifuge manufacturer. With over 100 years of r&d and manufacturing expertise, our partner offers its customers a full range of centrifuges with products covering many different applications, including the needs of medical biology laboratories. 

For more information, our teams of experts are all on hand to advise you on purchasing centrifuges.


Item: 310AT

Digital countdown timer 100 min, 60s alarm, IP65 waterproof, crutch/magnet/dragonne, 40g, [91x62x12]

Catalogue général
Product Catalogue / PDF, 34 MB
310AT Compteur décompteur_FT
Technical Information / PDF, 190 KB
1493MW Compteur d'impulsions sur socle_FT
Technical Information / PDF, 764 KB
706CA Décompteur_FT
Technical Information / PDF, 103 KB
580CE Compteur / double décompteur_FT
Technical Information / PDF, 167 KB
MO419CA Compteur / décompteur_FT
Technical Information / PDF, 294 KB
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