Additional Product Information

The VanishPoint® Blood Collection Set is a safety device with automated in-vein retraction of the needle to effectively reduce the risk of needlestick injuries and blood exposure. This product is available exclusively through Greiner Bio-One.

[Translate to USA | EN:] VACUETTE® Blood Collection Techniques Booklet
Brochure / PDF, 2 MB
Blood culture collection: Recommendations for maintaining aseptic techniques
Poster - Info / PDF, 289 KB
Preanalytic Pulse: Good Phlebotomy Technique
Preanalytic Pulse / PDF, 446 KB
Preanalytic Pulse: Blood Splatter Does Matter
Preanalytic Pulse / PDF, 324 KB
Preanalytic Pulse: Ensuring a Successful Implementation
Preanalytic Pulse / PDF, 191 KB
Preanalytic Pulse: Needlestick Injuries in a Healthcare Setting
Preanalytic Pulse / PDF, 511 KB
VACUETTE® SAFETY Blood Collection Sets flyer
Flyer / PDF, 322 KB
Application Note_Needles_General
Application Notes / PDF, 396 KB / Specific product-related topics providing assistance and (technical) information about the product
PSDS_SAFETY Blood Collection Sets
Product Safety Data Sheet / PDF, 120 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
Evaluation of VACUETTE® Safety Blood Collection Set
White Papers / PDF, 116 KB
APP Card, Safety Blood Collection Set Diagram, 4x6
Technical Information / PDF, 247 KB
Barcode form microplates
Flyer / PDF, 2 MB
[Translate to USA | EN:] VACUETTE® Preanalytics Manual
Brochure / PDF, 1 MB
[Translate to USA | EN:] SAFETY Blood Collection/Infusion Set
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 847 KB
VACUETTE® Safety Products Brochure
Brochure / PDF, 7 MB
[Translate to USA | EN:] Penetration Force Comparison Testing of Semi-Automatic Safety Blood Collection Sets
White Papers / PDF, 472 KB
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