VACUETTE® ESR tubes are used to collect and transport venous blood for sedimentation rate tests. ESR measurements refer to the Westergren method.

The ESR analysis mainly shows changes in plasma proteins that follow most of the acute and chronic infections, tumours, and degenerative diseases.

ESR tubes from Greiner Bio-One are plastic tubes with a predefined vacuum for an exact aspiration volume. The VACUETTE® ESR tubes contain a buffered 3.2 % trisodium citrate solution (0.109 mol/l). The mixing ratio is 1 part citrate solution to 4 parts blood. The tubes are sterile inside.

VACUETTE® Preanalytics Manual
Brochure / PDF, 1 MB
VACUETTE® Blood Collection Techniques Booklet
Brochure / PDF, 2 MB
Evacuated Blood Collection System (USA)
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 223 KB / FOR USA ONLY!
PSDS_VACUETTE® Blood Collection Tubes Stopper
Product Safety Data Sheet / PDF, 119 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
Product Safety Data Sheet / PDF, 119 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
Product Safety Data Sheet / PDF, 137 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
Evaluation of VACUETTE® Plastic ESR Tube with the automated ESR measurement on SRS 20/ II
White Papers / PDF, 94 KB
Best Practices - VACUETTE® Blood Collection Tubes
Poster - Info / PDF, 953 KB
19 Steps of Venous Blood Collection
Poster - Info / PDF, 566 KB
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