VACUETTE® TUBE 5 ml K2E K2EDTA Separator 13x100 white cap-yellow ring, non-ridged
VACUETTE® K2E K2EDTA separator tubes contain an additional separating gel and are used for plasma testing in molecular diagnostics and for virus load determination. Selected tubes are also available with a transparent label.
EDTA should not use for trace element testing e.g. lead.
Additional Product Information
The inner wall of VACUETTE® EDTA tubes is coated with spray-dried K2EDTA or K3EDTA. EDTA acts as an anticoagulant, binding the calcium ions and interrupting the clotting cascade. These tubes are used primarily in hematology. The VACUETTE® K2 EDTA Blood Collection Tube is a lavender top tube from Greiner Bio-One which is used primarily in hematology. The inner wall is coated with spray-dried K2 EDTA which acts as an anticoagulant, binding calcium ions and interrupting the clotting cascade. K2 EDTA Blood Collection Tubes with Gel Separator and K3 EDTA Blood Collection Tubes are also available. Pink caps for immunohematology are available as well.
VACUETTE® Blood Collection Tubes can also be used in tandem with Greiner Bio-One Safety Collection devices which have a semi-automatic safety feature. You can find them by clicking the links below in following categories:
Product list
Product Safety Data Sheet / PDF, 119 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
Product Safety Data Sheet / PDF, 119 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
Application Notes / PDF, 102 KB / Specific product-related topics providing assistance and (technical) information about the product