MiniCollect® Heparin Tubes are used for determinations in clinical chemistry from plasma.

Greiner Bio-One lithium heparin tubes are available in two versions: Lithium Heparin (without separating gel), Lithium Heparin Sep (with separating gel).

The additive heparin contained in the tube accelerates the action of ATIII, which neutralizes thrombin and thus prevents the formation of fibrin from fibrinogen.

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Product Highlights

MiniCollect® Capillary Blood Collection System Brochure
Brochure / PDF, 4 MB
MiniCollect® Capillary Blood Collection System (USA)
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 1 MB / For tubes with cross cut caps - FOR USA ONLY!
PSDS_MiniCollect® LH Lithium Heparin Tubes
Product Safety Data Sheet / PDF, 272 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
MiniCollect® K2E K2EDTA Tubes
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 895 KB
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