VACUETTE® coagulation tubes with sodium citrate are used for determinations in coagulation tests.

Coagulation tubes from Greiner Bio-One are available  as 9NC Coagulation Sodium Citrate 3.2 %.

The additive trisodium citrate contained in the tube prevents blood coagulation by binding Ca-ions.

VACUETTE® Coagulation Tubes are also known as "sandwich" tubes due to their double-wall-technology. The inner tube is made of PP (polypropylene) and prevents the evaporation of liquid. The outer tube is made of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and guarantees a correct draw volume.

With the VACUETTE® Coagulation Tubes, underfilling must be avoided for valid test results. Therefore, always, but especially when using a (safety) wing needle, use a Discard tube. This helps to avoid underfilling of the coagulation tube due to the air contained in the tubing.

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Additional Product Information

Our blue top sodium citrate blood tubes, also referred to as coagulation tubes or “coag tubes” are used for drawing blood for coagulation studies. See our available 3.2% coag tubes here in a variety of sizes and types. Greiner Bio-One manufactures high-quality blood collection tubes under the VACUETTE® Blood Tube brand name. Most VACUETTE® Blood Tubes contain chemical additives, which in combination with a pre-determined vacuum, guarantee the correct mixing ratio of blood sample to additive. Reliable results make VACUETTE® Blood Collection Tubes the optimal collection product for analysis with all current instrumentation. All tubes are CE marked.


* Please note that the CTAD tube is not available for the US market.

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