Certificate of Quality

download the certificates you need

Please download here our lot specific Certificates of Quality. The PDF-files can be downloaded around the clock by entering the lot number(s). After webshop login (customer no. and webshop password) downloading of our certificates is also possible by entering the delivery number(s). The certificates can be saved or printed. You can find the LOT-number on box or inner packaging labels. Delivery numbers are listed on your delivery note or invoice. Several LOT or delivery numbers can be typed in ("ADD"). The certificates will be downloaded in the next step.

Your LOT/delivery no.: Please click on "SEARCH" to show the results. Nonexistent LOT or delivery numbers will be shown in red. Please contact your known person in charge from sales giving your contact data and missing LOT/delivery number(s) if no hit is scored. All listed certificates can be downloaded as a zip file ("DOWNLOAD ALL"). If you want to reduce your search results please deactivate the mark on the left side.

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