In the healthcare sector sharps injuries account for most work-related transmissions of infectious diseases, whereby needlestick injuries present by far the greatest risk. More than 50% of all registered cases concern nursing staff, followed by doctors and laboratory staff.
However, needlestick injuries need not be an occupational risk. By using VACUETTE® Safety Products, this danger can be virtually eliminated.
Furthermore, by working with VACUETTE® Safety products you are compliant with criteria given in the EU Directive (EU 2010/32).

Sub Categories

VACUETTE® SAFELINK Holder with male luer lock
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 310 KB
VACUETTE® Safety Products
Brochure / PDF, 2 MB
VACUETTE® Safety Booklet
Brochure / PDF, 1,020 KB
Barcode form microplates
Flyer / PDF, 2 MB
Preanalytics Catalogue
Product Catalogue / PDF, 16 MB
VACUETTE® Blood Collection Tubes

Product Information

We offer a wide range of VACUETTE blood collection tubes. Please click here and inform yourself in our shop area about all the different tubes for the respective application. 

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