Polystyrene microplates with non-treated surfaces are commonly used for homogeneous biochemical HTS assays and demonstrate low and reproducible biomolecule binding.

However, even low amounts of biomolecular binding (e. g. DNA, RNA, proteins, peptides) can cause an undesirable increase in background, resulting in decreased signal-to-noise ratio. Greiner Bio-One’s non-binding microplate surfaces prevent unwanted non-specific binding, especially advantageous for sensitive biochemical assays. Characterised by low protein, DNA, RNA and peptide binding properties the non-binding surfaces significantly increase assay sensitivity by reducing background and improving signal- to-noise ratio.

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Product Highlights

Explore Our World of Microplates (Microplate Selection Guide)
Brochure / PDF, 1 MB
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Scientific Publications / PDF, 2 MB
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Application Notes / PDF, 451 KB
Microplate Dimensions Guide
Brochure / PDF, 730 KB
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Scientific Publications / PDF, 479 KB
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Flyer / PDF, 976 KB
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Scientific Publications / PDF, 3 MB
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Application Notes / PDF, 1 MB
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Scientific Publications / PDF, 2 MB
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Scientific Publications / PDF, 3 MB
Application Note: Establishing a cell culture assay based on time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) for screening G-Protein coupled receptors
Scientific Publications / PDF, 445 KB
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