The ELISA technique (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is one of the most widely used biochemical methods in analytical laboratories and in diagnostics. With this method, analytes such as peptides, proteins, antibodies and hormones are detected and quantified selectively and in low concentrations. In addition, ELISAs can be automated and carried out with a high sample throughput, are relatively inexpensive and the test results are available promptly.


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Product Information

A Microplate for Any Requirement

Our comprehensive portfolio has a microplate that will almost certainly match your exact requirements, whether you’re conducting colorimetric, fluorescence or luminescence studies. With surfaces optimised for antibody capture, we offer a wide selection of microplates in 96-, 384- and 1536-well formats. Available in clear, black and white colours and different well profiles, as well as removable and breakable well modules, our microplates are designed to accommodate all your laboratories technical and throughput requirements.


Uniform Footprint

With a uniform footprint conforming to ANSI SLAS 1-2004 (American National Standards Institute and Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening) all our microplates can be used on any instrumentation also conforming to this standard. This means that our microplates can be easily incorporated into any laboratory setting, including those adopting automated sample handling and detection methodologies, as well as high throughput testing.


UK Based Support

Greiner Bio-One can supply these microplates to any laboratory in the United Kingdom, backed up by our complete technical service and after sales support.

Application Note: Insulin ELISA on high binding MICROLON® 600 and CELLSTAR® microplates
Scientific Publications / PDF, 761 KB
96 Well ELISA Microplates
Flyer / PDF, 909 KB
96 Well ELISA Strip Plates
Flyer / PDF, 693 KB
Application Note: Influence of coating buffer and incubation conditions on ELISA performance
Application Notes / PDF, 810 KB
Forum No 9: Microplates for Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA)
Scientific Publications / PDF, 1 MB
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