Een speciale coating van de binnenwand van de buizen, die microscopische silicadeeltjes bevat, veroorzaakt stolselvorming door oppervlakte activatie.

VACUETTE® CAT serum/gelbuizen met stollingsactivator bevatten een inerte scheidingsgel op de bodem, die na centrifugeren een stabiele barrière vormt tussen het serum en het stolsel. VACUETTE® CAT serum/gelbuizen met stollingsactivator verbeteren de serum opbrengst en zorgen ervoor, dat monsters kunnen worden opgeslagen in primaire buizen.


Verwante Documenten

Tracie – Your digital assistant in Preanalytics
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VACUETTE® Preanalytics Manual
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Preanalytics Product Catalogue
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Poster_VACUETTE® Blood Collection Tubes - Order of Draw
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VACUETTE® Blood Collection Techniques Booklet
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VACUETTE® Pre-Barcoded Tubes
Flyer / PDF, 2 MB
Evaluation of VACUETTE® CAT Serum Fast Separator Blood Collection Tube for Routine Chemistry Analytes in Comparison to VACUETTE® CAT Serum Separator Tube
Klinische studies / PDF, 253 KB
VACUETTE® Blood Collection System - Verification and Implementation Plan for Hospitals and Laboratories
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Evaluation of VACUETTE® CAT Serum Separator Clot Activator Tubes for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) in Serum
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Evacuated Blood Collection System
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19 Steps of Venous Blood Collection
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COVID-19 Relevant Products
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Product veiligheidsgegevens / PDF, 119 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
PSDS_VACUETTE® Blood Collection Tubes Stopper
Product veiligheidsgegevens / PDF, 119 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
VACUETTE® + MiniCollect® Pre-Barcoded Tubes
Brochure / PDF, 886 KB
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