Blood collection accessories, as well as all other pointed and sharp objects, must be disposed of in non-penetrable containers. All sharps containers from Greiner Bio-One have a large opening for the disposal of sharp and pointed objects. The available volumes range from of 0.6 litres to up to 50 litres.

Documents associés

Biocompact 1.8 Liter
Certificats / PDF, 271 KB / Certificate issued by int or ext parties, often requested for tenders or product registration
Biocompact 5 Liter
Certificats / PDF, 55 KB / Technical paper, external assessment, especially suitable for tenders or product registrations
Biocompact 3 Litre
Certificats / PDF, 359 KB
Catalogue général
Catalogue produits / PDF, 34 MB
Minicompact 1 Liter
Certificats / PDF, 59 KB / Certificate issued by int or ext parties, often requested for tenders or product registration
Minicompact 0.6 Litre
Certificats / PDF, 57 KB / Certificate issued by int or ext parties, often requested for tenders or product registration
Biogrip 60 Liter
Certificats / PDF, 55 KB / Certificate issued by int or ext parties, often requested for tenders or product registration
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