ADVANCED TC 高接着細胞培養製品

Advanced TC Cell Culture Vessels

For the propagation of fastidious cells like primary or sensitive cells as well as cells cultivated under restricted growth conditions (serum-free or serum-reduced) Greiner Bio-One offers the Advanced TC polymer modification. Based on an innovative technique, the cell culture surface is modified to promote cellular features and functions. Enhanced cell attachment and higher proliferation rates improve and accelerate cell expansion. Furthermore, the Advanced TC surface facilitates consistent and homogenous cell attachment increasing the overall cell yield and reducing cell loss, for example during automated washing steps. The positive effect on cell morphology is particularly apparent during cultivation of sensitive cells, serum deprivation or after cellular stress induced by transfection or transduction processes. Moreover, cells cultivated on the Advanced TC surface exhibit higher transgene activity after gene transfer/ insertion. Due to the production process, the modification of the polymer assures consistant and reproducible product quality. Transport and storage can be carried out at room temperature.


  • Cultivation of fastidious and sensitive cells
  • Usage of serum-reduced or serum-free media
  • Differentiation of semi-adherent cells
  • Transfection
  • Transduction
  • Automation/High-throughput analysis


  • Improved cell adherence
  • Consistent cell attachment
  • Homogenous cell growth
  • In-vivo like morphology
  • Increased cell yield
  • Optimal cultivation conditions for sensitive cells
  • Permits usage of serum-reduced or serum-free media
  • Reduced cell loss due to (automated) washing steps
  • Improved assay consistency
  • Storage at room temperature
  • 2-year shelf life




製品番号: 639960

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, 145x20mm, シャーレ 143cm2, 滅菌, PS, 5x24袋, 120入

製品番号: 655980

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, 96ウェル, マイクロプレート 平底, チムニーウェル, 低蒸発フタ付, 34mm2, 392μl, クリア 滅菌, PS, 個別包装, 100入

製品番号: 655983

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, μClear, 96ウェル マイクロプレート, 透明底, チムニーウェル, 低蒸発フタ付, 34mm2 392μl, ホワイト, 滅菌, PS, 8x4袋, 32入

製品番号: 655986

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, μClear, 96ウェル マイクロプレート, 透明底, チムニーウェル, 低蒸発フタ付, 34mm2 392μl, ブラック, 滅菌, PS, 8x4袋, 32入

製品番号: 657960

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, 6ウェル, プレート 低蒸発フタ付, 9.6cm2, クリア, 滅菌, PS, 個別包装, 100入

製品番号: 658975

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, フラスコ, 青FTキャップ 75cm2, 250ml, 滅菌, PS(本体), HDPE(フタ) PTFEコートPET(フィルター), 5x24袋, 120入

製品番号: 662960

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, 24ウェル, プレート 低蒸発フタ付, 1.9cm2, クリア, 滅菌, PS, 個別包装, 100入

製品番号: 664960

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, 100x20mm, シャーレ 58cm2, 滅菌, PS, 15x24袋, 360入

製品番号: 665980

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, 12ウェル, プレート 低蒸発フタ付, 3.9cm2, クリア, 滅菌, PS, 個別包装, 100入

製品番号: 781983

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, μClear, 384ウェル マイクロプレート, 透明底, フタ付, 10mm2, 131μl, ホワイト 滅菌, PS, 8x4袋, 32入

製品番号: 781986

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, μClear, 384ウェル マイクロプレート, 透明底, フタ付, 10mm2, 131μl, ブラック 滅菌, PS, 8x4袋, 32入

製品番号: 788986

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, μClear, 384ウェル マイクロプレート, 透明底, SV, LB, フタ付, 2.7mm2, 28μl ブラック, 滅菌, PS, 15x4袋, 60入

製品番号: 658970

CELLSTAR, Advanced TC, フラスコ, 青STキャップ 75cm2, 250ml, 滅菌, PS(本体), HDPE(フタ) 5x24袋, 120入


IFU CELLdisc with closed filling caps (-CF1/ -CF2)
取扱説明書・医療機器添付文書 / PDF, 457 KB
取扱説明書・医療機器添付文書 / PDF, 961 KB
Forum No 16: 96 Well Half Area Microplates and their Application in Fluorescence, Luminescence and Transmission Measurements
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 2 MB
Application Note: Co-culture in ThinCert® cell culture inserts
アプリケーションノート / PDF, 541 KB
Application Report: Advanced TC: A Novel Cell Culture Surface Improving the Cultivation and Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 156 KB
Forum No 17: CELLSTAR® Cell Culture Vessels with Cell-Repellent Surface
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 620 KB
Application Note: Influence of coating buffer and incubation conditions on ELISA performance
アプリケーションノート / PDF, 810 KB
Application Note: Cultivation and Differentiation of Human Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells with CELLSTAR® and CELLCOAT® Cell Culture Products
アプリケーションノート / PDF, 539 KB
Forum No 9: Microplates for Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA)
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 1 MB
Forum No 8: ThinCert® cell culture products – innovative solutions for cell-based assays and tissue culture
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 810 KB
Application Note: Tissue reconstruction using ThinCert® Cell Culture Inserts and Plates
アプリケーションノート / PDF, 739 KB
Forum No 6: Sealers for microplates and their areas of application in molecular biology and cell culture
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 479 KB
Forum No 15: SCREENSTAR: A new 1536 Well Microplate for High Content and High Throughput Screening
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 2 MB
Forum No 11: A New 384 Well Storage Plate Reducing Compound Consumption and Supporting Assay Miniaturisation
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 3 MB
Application Note: Live Cell Imaging of Drug Effects on Golgi Morpholgy Using the CELLview Cell Culture Dish
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 2 MB
Application Note: Improved Cultivation and Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 2 MB
Application Note: Establishing a cell culture assay based on time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) for screening G-Protein coupled receptors
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 445 KB
Forum No 7: Advanced High-Throughput Platforms for Protein Crystallisation
出版物・公表文献 / PDF, 472 KB
CELLCOAT® Fibronectin
フライヤー / PDF, 696 KB