
Article: 658975

Flacon culture cellulaire, 250ml, 75 cm², PS, Advanced TC™, bch vissant membrane filtrante, transparent, stérile, 5 PCS./sachet

Article: 660960

Flacon culture cellulaire, 550ml, 175 cm², PS, Advanced TC™, bch vissant bleu, transparent, profil bas, stérile,

Article: 660975

Flacon culture cellulaire, 550ml, 175 cm², PS, Advanced TC™, bch vissant membrane filtrante, transparent, profil bas, stérile, 5 PCS./sachet

Article: 658970

Flacon culture cellulaire, 250ml, 75 cm², PS, Advanced TC™, bch vissant bleu, transparent, stérile, 5 PCS./sachet

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